Google AdSense

Posted on 2022-02-02 Updated on 2024-04-02

InMillionApp (IMA) sends guaranteed and safe traffic to any website because it using real browser engines, so the visits behave exactly the real human behavior with scroll, time browsing and clicks.

If you'd like to know more about the Real Engines, take a look at this article.

Remember: Web Traffic Generator is designed for SEO purposes. For this, it's 100% safe, counted and guaranteed for all the major platforms:

Google, Bing consoles, Ahrefs, Alexa, MixPanel, Matomo or any other similar platform.

Google AdSense:

If you don't have Google AdSense installed on your website, you can ignore the rest of this article. If yes, keep reading:

☛ Note: we update this article frequently to be aligned with Google policies. If your website operates an AdSense account, we advise you to bookmark it and check back often

Is it safe to send visits to a website operates an AdSense account?

Short answer:

Yes. It's Fully Safe to use IMA with AdSense account, improve your website pages' rank and keep your account safe if you follow this simple rule:

"Activate Ad Blocker option and disable [Externals Clicks]"

AdSense applies hard policies to protect their users and publishers. To be aligned with it, you have to read this article carefully:

Fully safe if:

1- From Links tab: Enable Ad Blocker option.

2- From Settings tab: Make sure the [Two Click Options] are disabled: "Click on Page" option is unchecked and "Exclude Externals" option is checked.


  • Random clicks option is safe to use in any case because it clicks only on the internal links of your website
  • We highly recommend to follow the two practices above for two reasons: it's fully safe and also you can get the benefits of Free Proxy because it's fully safe to use in this case.

Be advised: some of our users reported that their AdSense accounts have been limited when they activated Clicks Options as mentioned above.

What is the AdSense limit risk?

Google will place a limit on the number of ads your AdSense account can show, this limit typically impacts publishers for less than 30 days, it may take longer in some cases.

In the meantime, your account is still fully accessible.

Full details about this point can be found at this link on Google website.


This software is to improve your website SEO and enhance your pages' rank. Our mission is to save your time, efforts and money, not to help users to earn illegal money 😉 
If you follow the two rules mentioned above, you will get all the benefits of IMA's SEO and keep your AdSense account safe.
We do not support sending fake clicks to any PPC website (Pay Per Click), and we will never improve it to do that. 

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